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发布时间:2020-03-06 12:03信息来源:浙江大学国际联合商学院

浙江大学国际联合商学院(International Business School, Zhejiang University, ZIBS)正式成立于2018年11月,是浙江大学国际校区自2016年落户海宁以来,在提升办学层次、优化办学布局方面的重要举措。ZIBS充分利用长三角一体化、杭州大湾区发展的战略机遇,实施以浙大为核心的多机构、多学科、多层次的伙伴合作战略。

















1. 个人陈述,包括对应聘岗位的理解、认识及工作设想等;

2. 详细简历,包括个人基本信息、学习工作经历、参与科研项目、科研成果代表性论文、获奖情况、联系方式等;

3. 博士学历、学位证书以及其它能体现科研能力的材料证明;

4. 三封学术推荐人的推荐信(其中一封为博士生导师推荐信)。






联系人: 朱老师


学院网址: http://zibs.intl.zju.edu.cn/


ZIBS Post-doctoral Fellowship

International Business School, Zhejiang University (ZIBS) was officially inaugurated in November 2018, which marks a major step of Zhejiang University (ZJU) International Campus to uplift its level of education and optimize its structure of academic programs. ZIBS takes full advantage of the strategic opportunities presented by the Yangtze River Delta integration and the development of Hangzhou Greater Bay Area, to implement the multi-institution, multi-discipline and multi-level partnership strategy with ZJU at the core.

Headquartered in Yangtze River Delta, one of the world’s most dynamic regions, and upholding the educational philosophy of being “International, Interdisciplinary, Innovative, Inclusive, and Integrative”, ZIBS aims to conduct business research and train business talents who are ready for the new global economic era, with a particular focus on new finance, new retail, new technologies, new industries, and new markets. It is committed to building a leading global ecosystem for teaching, research and social service with business education as its core pillar, to drive the overall development of the business discipline at ZJU and even in China and proactively serve national strategies.

I. Research Areas

Digitalization and FinTech, new industry andnew technology management, international economics and finance.

II. About the Supervisor

Dr. Ben Shenglin is Professor and Dean of ZIBS and Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University; Co-director of International Monetary Institute, Renmin University of China; a member of the International Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; a standing director of China Overseas Friendship Association; a member of the Advisory Panel of Non-Party Intellectuals in the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee; a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Conference of Zhejiang Province; a counselor of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province; Co-chairman of Zhejiang Association of Internet Finance (ZAIF); a member of Guangdong Financial Expert Advisory Committee; Executive Chief Editor of China Journal of Finance; and an independent director of China International Capital Corporation (CICC).

Dr. Ben has extensive experience in the international financial sector, and his research areas mainly include FinTech, entrepreneurial finance, international finance, and global business.

Dr. Ben obtained his bachelor’s degree in engineering from Tsinghua University, master’sdegree in management from Renmin University of China, and Ph.D. degree in Economics from Purdue University. For more information, please see: https://person.zju.edu.cn/benshenglin

III. Required Qualifications

1. Ph.D. degree from a prestigious university or a research institution in China or overseas, with a background in digitalization and FinTech, new industry andnew technology management, international economics and finance.

2. Ph.D. degree from a C9 university or a discipline rated as A+ in the 4th round of discipline evaluation in China, or a top overseas university in the recent 3 years, with academic papers published (preferred);

3. Ability to independently conduct high-level research, outstanding academic performance and potential, diligence and self-motivation, strong sense of responsibility, and good team spirit;

4. Good English reading and writing skills, English proficiency for professional communication and work; and

5. Physical health, and under the age of 35 for Chinese (or 40 for non-Chinese).

IV. Application Procedure

Interested applicants shall send the application materials to: zhulinzl@zju.edu.cn. Once approved by the supervisor and ZIBS, the materials will be submitted to ZJU for review and approval. The applicant approved by the university will go through the formalities of ZJU for entering the post-doctoral station.

Application materials:

1. Personal statement, which includes the understanding, knowledge and research proposal for the fellowship program;

2. CV, which includes personal profile information, education and work experience, research projects, representative journal papers, awards, and contact information;

3. Ph.D. diploma and degree credentials, and other materials that can certify the research competence; and

4. 3 recommendation letters from academic references (including 1 from the Ph.D. supervisor).

V. Work and Benefits

The fellow will work at ZIBS(718 East Haizhou Road, Haining, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China). Pursuant to the provisions of ZJU on post-doctoral administration, the fellow, after meeting the exit requirements and passing the assessment, shall go through the formalities for exiting the post-doctoral station.

Salary and benefits will be provided pursuant to the relevant national and ZJU post-doctoral provisions. The fellow will be eligible for ZJU’s benefits for discipline post-doctoral fellows within the term of funding, and may rent the apartment for faculty and staff.

The research team will provide the fellow with good conditions for research, encourage participation in high-level academic conferences in China and overseas, support application for post-doctoral science funds, as well as other national and local sci-tech projects and post-doctoral funding projects.

VI. Contact Information

We welcome inquiries from potential applicants!

Contact person: Ms. Zhu


Website: http://zibs.intl.zju.edu.cn/






